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21世紀の現代社会では、「仕事・無理・不安・過労」などの精神面から、様々な「ストレス」が存在しています。ストレスを引き起こす原因は、計り知れない物があり、ストレスの感じ方は、人によって大小様々です。とにかく、みんな心が疲れ切っている。みんな助け合い、ストレスなど感じない時代が大昔ありました。いつの日か高度経済成長期、IT社会等、忙しい時代になり、そして気づいた時は既にスト間レスの時代。そのに、自然災害(阪神淡路大震災・東日本大震災等)や事故、病気等。本当なら、まだ生き続けて目標等に向かい、充実した幸せな生活を送り続けたいのに、様々な要因で悔いを残し、生涯を終える方々も沢山いるのです。私は、何かの縁があり、この世に「一人の人間」として誕生し、現在を生きています。彼らの事を思うと、何もしないで、ただ普通に生活をし、生涯を終える事をしたくはありません。私が生きている間は、彼らが出来なかった分、何らかの形で一生懸命頑張り、私が生涯を終えた時、彼らに恥のない報告をしたいと感じています。「ストレス」を解消せずに我慢し続けると、「心身症」 「うつ病」「自律神経失調症」等、身体の病気として現れる事は、既に医学的に検証済であるなど、ストレスは、日常生活や勉強、仕事等に必ず何らかの支障を来たし、これから先の日本経済(未来)に更なる悪影響を及ぼす事も心配です。「ストレス」を解消し、快適な生活を送るため、まずはストレスを引き起こす「原因」を知り、その原因の「解決方法」を見ける事が大切ではありますが、精神的に疲れきっている場合、なかなか冷静に見つけられない事が多いと思います。私は、個人的な体験も含め、そのストレスは、「精神的に癒される事」がストレス解消への近道であると考えます。私は、それらも含め、地域や社会に貢献して行きたい思いから、心の楽園本舗整体店を開業しました。整体業界も、今や高い技術力を持っているだけでは生き残れない時代になりました。そしたら、技術力・価格・店内の清潔さ・立地以外に残されるものは「接客レベル」だと考えています。私は29歳の時まで会社員でしたが、いま、整体師になる事ができ、嬉しく感じております。

In the modern society of the 21st century, from the spirit surface, such as a "work-force, anxiety, overwork", there exist various "stress". Cause of stress, there is a thing that immeasurable, who feel the stress is different large and small by the people. Anyway, everyone mind is exhausted.
Everyone help each other, the era that does not feel such stress there was a long time ago. Someday the period of high economic growth, IT society, etc., will be busy era, and already the stress era when noticed. In the meantime, natural disasters (the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the Great East Japan Earthquake, etc.) or an accident, illness or the like. If true, toward the goal, etc. continue still alive, but want to continue to send a happy and fulfilling life, leaving a regret in a variety of factors, we also are a lot of people who finish a lifetime. I, there is the edge of something, and the birth as "one person" in this world, you have to live now.
And I think that of them, do not do anything, just normal to live, do not want to that to finish the life. While I'm alive, the minute that they could not be, my best hard in some form, when I finished life, I feel that they want to the report there is no shame. If you continue to put up without eliminating the "stress", such as "psychosomatic", "depression", "dysautonomia", such as that which appears as a disease of the body, which is already medically verified, stress, daily life and study, always Kitashi some hindrance to such work, it is also worried that on a further adverse effect on the years ahead of the Japanese economy (the future).
To eliminate the "stress", a comfortable life for, first cause stress to know the "cause", if it Keru see the "Resolution" of the cause, but there is important, I am exhausted mentally, I think that it is often not found in quite calm. I, personal experience, including, the stress is considered to be "that are mentally healed" is a shortcut to the stress. I, they also included, from I think you want to contribute to local communities and society, has opened a paradise Honpo manipulative shop of mind. Manipulative industry, now in the era that does not survive only now have the high technology. And then, what is left in the non-cleanliness, location of technical capabilities, price and the store is we believe that it is "service level"

2019年度 皆様が健康に過ごせますよう祈祷


宮島料理 瑠羽樹にて/宮島町中江町


On August 5, 2019, I arrived safely in Hiroshima.I visited Hiroshima for the first time in nine years.The scenery at Hiroshima Station has changed considerably.There were as many foreign tourists as Akihabara. I wanted to express my gratitude for 9 years.I went to pray to Itsukushima Shrine (Miyajima) so that everyone can live a healthy life.

2019年度 広島県原爆死没者慰霊式 平和祈念式参加



On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima City.The characteristics of the atomic bomb damage caused indiscriminate mass destruction and mass deaths.
Radiation damage continues to plague people for a long time.From September 15th, 2010, I started participating in the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Ceremony every year since I was a university student, until I opened "COCORO NO SEITAI HONPO SHOP".
I have not been able to participate for a long time for nine years after opening. This year, I joined again and stayed silent. The weather on the day was rainy.The rain felt like tears of the victims.I strongly oppose doing war.


2019年度 宮城県石巻市 追悼慰霊式典参加


Leaving Tokyo Station Yaesu South Exit, about 5 minutes behind schedule. It is unfortunately rain outside. Right now, I am writing in night bus. 23:59 when the date changes in one minute. No way, no one thought that the big earthquake would hit tomorrow. Now the date has changed, March 11th. I will be able to participate in the ceremony ceremony for the Great East Japan Earthquake for the first time this year. The place is Ishinomaki-shi, Miyagi prefecture. By night light bus, about 5 hours, around 5:20 in the morning, we arrived at Sendai station first and then headed for Miyagi prefecture Ishinomaki city by car. This rain feels like tears of the victims.


Great East Japan Earthquake and the Ishinomaki City Memorial Ceremony will be held. Heavy rain March 11th. On the way to this venue, I went around Ishinomaki city and saw the damaged buildings. There were a lot of things in my mind, but in a nutshell, the buildings in the city that were "renovating early" were almost completely rebuilt and land readjustment was being done. Looking at the buildings that were made before the earthquake alone, I found that the outer wall was discolored, which was made when flooded as a common point. I do not know what happened immediately after the disaster. However, compared to the situation at that time on the Internet etc., there are many things to discover.

2018年度 沖縄県戦没者の方々へ祈祷










沖縄料理こころ/那覇市 国際通り

沖縄料理こころ/那覇市 国際通り



香港ランタオ島〜香港島〜九龍にて 香港視察時 整体 マッサージ 足つぼ

香港ランタオ島〜香港島〜九龍にて 香港視察時 整体 マッサージ 足つぼ

香港ランタオ島〜香港島〜九龍にて 香港視察時 整体 マッサージ 足つぼ香港ランタオ島〜香港島〜九龍にて 香港視察時 整体 マッサージ 足つぼ

店内の様子の写真。 JR秋葉原駅(電気街口)より徒歩5分、東京メトロ(銀座線)末広町駅より徒歩2分 秋葉原周辺でマッサージ「心の楽園本舗 秋葉原店」整体マッサージ 友達同士やカップル(ペア)御同伴も歓迎 アキバのフットマッサージとリフレクソロジーもどうぞ


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